An Open Door

A strange thing happened to me recently as I started to open the church door on my way to attend a meeting. First, I got a little nervous when I looked into the foyer. Also, gathered for their weekly “get together” were many groups of laughing and talking Millennials. For a moment, because I did not know any of the young adults, I felt conspicuous going into the lobby by myself.
Hesitating at the door, I watched as the young man who had just entered the foyer in front of me began walking over to the coffee bar. Suddenly, he looked back at me and quickly came back across the room to open the door for me. ‘You did not need to do that,” I told him. “Oh, but I wanted to open it for you,” he said with a smile.
That’s when the surprise happened. By acknowledging my presence, the young man’s actions had calmed me. A weird and wonderful feeling of God’s love flooded my heart as I continued walking down the hall to my meeting. His very simple act of kindness became a gift that gave hope to me. And I think I know the reason why.
As one five-year-old said to her Mom, “It’s always the big things that cause all of the problems.” And that is true. Life in these days is sometimes overwhelming as we grabble with the realities of terrorism, natural disasters, and an ongoing myriad of personal challenges. But one small deed that is done in love for someone triumphs over all of the big, swirling threats of our age because: 1.) a simple act of love for someone is something that everyone can do; and 2.) “God is Love,” 1 John 4:8 and His love “never fails.” I Corinthians 13:8.
After that door was held open for me, I also thought of the verse: “Do not despise small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin,” Zechariah 4:8. My mind was no longer on all of my problems but upon the demonstration of God’s love for me through the young man’s simple act of kindness.
While it is true, that some of us will do great and mighty deeds for God; all of us can also do small, everyday acts of love which are just as important to God. As Mother Teresa said: “We cannot (all) do great things on this earth. But we can all do small things with great love.” Jesus knew this. He said: “And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward,” in Matthew 10:42.
As disciples of Christ, we all want to impact the world with God’s love in 2018. And I pray that “many, great and mighty deeds” are done in this world by the body of Christ to lead all people to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. At the same time, in our everyday life, I pray we don’t miss the opportunities to “walk in the Spirit,” and, as many attribute John Wesley as saying: “Do All the Good You Can, By All the Means You Can, In All the Ways You Can, In All the Places You Can, At All the Times You Can, To All the People You Can, As Long as Ever You Can.”
As I live day-by-day, this year I will look for the chance to do big and small acts of God’s love to those I encounter. And I hope you will do the same.
Tonie Koonce is a freelance writing living in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho.