The Advantage of Adversity

What IF?
What if every person alive was a survivor of cancer? What if they had weathered cancer of their own or that of a close loved one?
Most of us, perhaps not all, would use their blessing to impact this world with common sense and hope not seen for a long time. We might again hold sacred things, well, sacred. We might honor and teach our children traditional values including God, family, the real meaning of marriage and good hard work ethics. Then we not be screwing around wasting time with left and right, but instead, teaching right or wrong!
If only cancer warriors lived here, our planet would be a wonderful place again. Our culture would certainly look and sound different without all the useless distractions. Every day would start with a prayer of thank you and the anticipation of a new sunrise, Hope, faith and love would carry us with a grateful heart to serve others until it was time to chase the sunset, we would be content with things that really matter and the breath God has allowed. At day’s end, we would rest in peace, knowing all things are possible and God has a plan.
What good is a book if you learn nothing and feel nothing? A good book should force you to think deeply. A strong book sure cut to the marrow and penetrate your joints like a double-edge sword. You should feel it judge the motives and intentions of your heart. Maybe a good book even makes you squirm a little while you’re reading it. A good book reads you.
I opened such a book, in my most desperate hour, and found the story of Daniel and his three warrior buddies. Their words were pressed into my soul by the author of life. He prepared my heart and renewed my mind to move forward by faith, not sight, through the valley of death. My Bible challenged me not to depend on myself, or anything this world offers, and taught me that I am powerless on my own,
I have followed His light to the hill I have chosen , and I climb that hill on hands and knees. I find that the closer I get to His cross, the smaller the crowd becomes. Now in awesome wonder, speechless and pride-less, I hug the foot of that cross, I look up and meet the radiant light that He showed us in the blazing furnace.
I was blind but now I see. I have paid too small a price for all my sins, since he did nothing wrong.
As overwhelmed as I am by His light at the cross, how much more will I be by His power over the empty grave? From tragedy to triumph, I experienced the advantage of adversity, He rescued me, just as He promised. (Daniel 3: 16-18)
And now I know that triumph can only come with tragedy. Darkness lost again! And will forever!
I know in whom I believed. By His resurrection power that resides in me, I was made able to break the chains of captivity that cancer held tight. From my evil pit of despair, I journeyed into the light of the most beautiful rainbow my Lord has ever created.
My life matters to him! So does yours!
Now, freed from cancer’s darkness and sin’s stranglehold, my conduct must reflect my new allegiance. And so must my writing. I invite you, my fellow warriors and all others in need of rescue, to accept God’s plan for your life. Only when you move forward in His will, not your own, does life once again have value and the course of action becomes clear. There is no other way. I urge you to pick your hill and be resolved. (Daniel 1:8)
Thank God, my own major storm has long passed. I remain even stronger now with His mighty power in me. I can stand firm, armored with God’s truth, rooted deep in the things this wicked world culture cannot see and refuses to understand.
Today, I devote my extended time to chasing goals, sunsets, grandkids and mule deer, while all the time knowing that my real job is holding a shield of comfort over fellow warriors and caregivers when their own storm rolls its darkness overhead and calls their name. I share the light, so they too may stand their ground.
This excerpt is from my new book; CANCER: MY RAINBOW IN THE DARK.
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