A Terrorist’s Fairy Tale

Years from now a terrorist tells this fairy tale to his children...

“Once upon a time,
There were twin towers standing against the skyline of an American city, but they were taken to the ground, reduced to rubble.
Once upon a time,
There was safety in the city of light, the city of knowledge and freedom, home of one of the seven wonders, The Eiffel Tower, but it is now surrounded by armed guards.
Once upon a time,
There was a Temple erected in honor of Jonah, who was disappointed in Nineveh’s repentance.
Once upon a time,
There was a historical Buddhist temple in Afghanistan,
There was a complex underground metro in Madrid,
There was a unifying, peaceful, annual marathon in Boston,
There was safety on American military bases...
Now these are just reminders of our Islamic superiority.”

---Unfortunately, this is how the followers of Islam think!

When terrorists commit heinous acts against Western nations, their agenda is to dramatically affect change in the everyday life of their citizens. I personally believe this has been a highly successful strategy for Islam, dating back to the teachings of the Qur’an in:
Surat Al-Isra 17:5 “So when the [time of] promise came for the first of them, We sent against you servants of Ours - those of great military might, and they probed [even] into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled.”
It is unfortunate the translation from the Arabic text to English has softened the original intent. This verse encourages infiltration into an enemy’s home with the goal of finding weakness that can be corrupted and exploited in order to create destruction from within. God allowed me to grow up in a culture where the youngest boy in a Muslim family attends a summer school requiring he memorize all 30 books of the Qur’an. This has given me a deep understanding of the Islamic foundational principles, insight into cultural relevance and knowledge of the personality and original intention of the author, Mohammed.
A terrorist attack against the West is not actually about the attack itself, but about redirecting our focus from the attackers’ motives, creating division within a society by exaggerating our existing differences of opinion, and taking advantage of our fear of offending a portion of our own population. This softens our reaction, which is a success for Islam because we no longer act, we react. As a person knowledgable about Islam and its role in politics and everyday Muslim life, I can attest to the methods used by Islamists seeking domination in foreign lands. We tend to think of these terrorist attacks as a horrible ending, but the Islamists view them as the initial implementation of a well laid plan.
The intent is to cause fear that makes lasting impact, weakening the solidarity, the foundational principles and the integrity of the structure. Even if the hysteria is only temporary, it causes that country to change their freedoms, to crack down on the liberties of its own population, until even the rights and privacy of its citizens are seriously restricted. One can have good intentions when they install a good, solid lock on their door to prevent any break-ins, but if you add another lock and another, all the screws and holes drilled to install them, will threaten the integrity of the door.
Our problem with Islam is not with the people, but with the religion which controls the people. One day recently, while I was doing my daily research into current events affecting the Middle East region and Islamic nations, I was watching a Friday sermon broadcast from a huge mosque. The imam was comparing western society, or infidels’ fear of losing their life with those Islamists who willingly give their lives for the cause of Allah. Once its followers are convinced of their moral and genetic superiority, it is much easier to persuade them to act as the Qur’an directs, conquering the land of infidels through deceit and violence.
After the recent attacks in France, the French government is looking to restrict references to religion when it comes to their citizens’ rights to freedom of speech, which are similar to our first amendment rights here in America. There has been movements in many countries to restrict the freedom of those who speak out in favor of morality or in a way that can be perceived as offensive to certain groups. I’m concerned that one day I will be a target for my writings exposing the truth about Islam, of being labeled as a person who spreads hate-speech. My freedom to publish these articles or my other writings may soon be restricted and according to new laws, could land me in jail. Instead of restricting the rights of average citizens, we should be pointing the finger at the wrong, naming them by name.
Exodus, the movie, made a mockery of Moses and God, and Noah, the movie, took great artistic license with the portrayal of the events recorded in the Bible. Some Christians chose not to support the movies, some chose to attend in order to answer those questioning the theology, some gave scathing reviews, clarifying many of the doctrinal errors, still others are just glad to see “Christian” movies getting a spotlight and hope it encourages those seeking Truth to investigate further. No Christian answered these heresies with mass shootings or suicide bombings. It concerns me that the political world doesn’t acknowledge that the reaction of Islam is always violent. Why wouldn’t Islamic leaders come in love and protest personally the author/artist who offends their prophet? Why don’t the Islamic leaders publish peaceful articles clearing up the perceived misconceptions of unbelievers? It is because they are indoctrinated to hate those who oppose Islam and to dominate all disbelievers by the sword.