Blessings - Be Happy Giving Thanks - 537

From the song, Where Are You Christmas? From the movie, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas:
“...My world is changing, I’m rearranging
Does that mean Christmas changes too?”
It is a rapidly changing world we live in. Governments and principalities are transforming the global picture. The whole world turns against a tiny nation – Israel. Groups we never would have dreamed could gain legitimacy are gaining ground faster than we can keep up...but who really wants to keep up?
Christians persecuted, imprisoned, and dying in mind-numbing numbers for their faith; anti Christian views becoming increasingly popular, even in our government and our courtrooms...”Does that mean Christmas changes too?”
No, no, a thousand times no. Christmas is what it’s always been, we just lost track of the point. The Grinch didn’t steal it, we sold it out for fun and games...but for Christians the fun and games will never fill the God-shaped hole.
Christmas didn’t happen to create a holy day for Jesus followers. The Virgin Birth took place to mark the beginning of God’s plan of redemption. The immaculate conception marks the beginning of Christs sacrifice for mankind. As the Apostle John said “God became flesh...”; as the Apostle Paul said to the Philippians He “...emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men...humbling on a cross.”
Christmas? Yes, this is Christmas. The suffering/servant Messiah – heralded by Prophets and Angels – presented to a changing world in the form of a child, vulnerable and weak – the unchanging God in a form no one was prepared for.
The Hope of the world, the Promised deliverer...Immanuel – God with us. The King of Israel in a baby blanket – God incarnate. The first chapter in the story that culminates with the crucifixion, burial, resurrection, and ascension of the grown Christ of Christmas.
Christmas means just what it did two thousand years ago. The preparation for a New Covenant (Testament) between God and His people. The Son of our God - being God Himself - begins the trek through time that would result in the tearing of the veil and the unchanging God becoming accessible through the Child born that day in the City of David.
As we watch the events of the world unfold with the events of our lives let us remember that God does not change. His love for us remains constant and His plan for our redemption stays on course. We should watch with awe as prophecy unfolds today and the scriptures are proven accurate, much the same as when the birth of the Babe upset kingdoms and frustrated rulers and changed the world.
We have fun with the Holiday. Presents and decorations and storybook legends; songs and stars and snow and festivities...and food! These have become Christmas to the world with their politically correct “Happy Holidays” and “Winter Solstice” celebrations.
Christmas isn’t in the Bible as a day that was to be set aside. Christ was not born for this. Have your fun on this day and take time to give thanks to your Savior who humbled Himself by becoming like us to teach us the real meaning of Gods love...on a cross.