A Salvation Message

Salvation: Being Clean
There can be no friendship between God and the world…
Revelation 19:7-8 “ Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.” 8 It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.”
God is going to put you in “Fine linen bright and clean”.
Have you ever been out working or playing in the dirt? A day when you came home filthy from head to toe?
When I was a teenager I spent a whole summer day helping a friend swap transmissions in his car. I was hot and sweaty and dirty and greasy but when I got home I was exhausted and wanted to go fall into bed. Can you imagine what I would have done to those bed sheets had I climbed in that dirty?
Needless to say my mother wouldn’t allow it. I had to wash and pass inspection before I could use the linen she provided for me. Don’t you think God will expect as much from us? God will not put us in His linen until He has cleansed us from our sin. He will do the job He committed to – He will finish the task and keep His word because YOU and I will not soil His linens. You can stake HIS reputation on it.
Are you becoming more like the world or more like Christ? Is God coming into your life as the world leaves? One purpose of the scriptures is to teach us what God hates so we can turn and run from it. A man set apart in Holiness runs to God and seeks what He says is good.
You live in a culture that says you can love Christ AND the world. It’s a LIE! If you look at the world and say to yourself ”I want to be like that”, then Christ does not dwell in you. God demonstrates His power by saving you. If His power is not evident in your life you are not saved.
I do not say this to scare you or to be mean, I say this to save you.
We know God will save us and make us clean once we receive/believe Him because it’s HIS reputation on the line. He finishes what He starts. It is time to ask yourself “Am I growing in Christ? Has God begun a change in me?
If the answer is no it’s time to start.
Jesus says “ Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.”
Invite Him in…ALL THE WAY IN; but be ready, you will never be the same.