Step Out And God Will Meet You

Not long ago God blessed us with a six year old little girl in our home. She is not ours to keep, but we have her for a short season. At the time we took her in, we didn''t know how long this season would be. By the grace of God we are still in this season.
One night shortly after Annie (not her real name) came to live with us, I was feeling like I needed to get Jesus into her life and quickly. I was praying and asking God what I should do. This little girl had never heard the word "Jesus", and didn''t have any idea what the word "church" meant. She did know the word "God" and that he made everything in the world. God prompted me to start reading in the book of John from the beginning. It''s the stoiy of Jesus'' life, what an excellent way to explain about Him. But when can I sit her down along with my three boys and keep all of their attention long enough to read even one chapter. Again God prompted me. At breakfast time I was to push my food aside long enough for me to read to them while they were eating. None of them would be excused from the table until we were all done. (This has proved to be a veiy good practice. The children are learning to fold their hands and be patient. Something we would expect of them if we were ~n a restaurant anyway.) As I read in the children''s Adventure Bible we would stop when we come to a big word. We discussed phrases and what they meant. Little Annie was shy at first. She would listen carefully, and listen to what the boys would have to say. She would hear them tty to answer the questions even though they may not have the right answer. She started to get involved in the conversation by the second day as we talked about Jesus the Lamb of God and about Jesus'' First Disciples. Annie showed much interest as we spoke about Jesus'' first miracle of turning the water into wine. But the exciting time was yet to come.
The third day into reading the book of John, we got into the testimony of John the Baptist. John 3:36 says: Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God''s wrath remains on him. As we discussed the word eternal. it was established that it means forever, even after death. I had to stop and think about how to explain wrath that the children would understand. I asked Annie if she had ever heard the stoiy of''''Noah and the Ark"? She said she had that stoiy at home in a book. I explained that Noah loved God and worshipped Him. So God blessed Noah and his family, but the wrath of God was upon all the rest of the people left on earth. We must have Jesus living in our hearts so we can have eternal life with Him. I have Jesus in my heart, and so do two of my sons. But my youngest son and she haven''t received Jesus into their hearts yet. Annie asked, "how do we get Him there?" I told her we would have to pray and ask Him to come into her heart. With eyes as big as saucers, she replied; ''''We better pray real quick, cause I want Jesus to live in my heart!" So right there at our breakfast table, three days into reading the Book of John, little Annie gave her life to Christ.
Each day I have continued to read in the Book of John. We are learning many things together. I don''t know how long Annie will live with us, but I do know for sure that God is faithful. I could have ignored God calling me, and pass up the chance to see this little life saved. But each child that comes into our home is another opportunity for us to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with one more person. This little girl has told her Aunt over the phone that she is learning about Jesus, and that this family she is living with, prays at every meal. She can''t wait to tell her mommy. Only God knows how far this little girl will take the gospel But ifl hadn''t taken that first step, God would not have had the chance to use me in this special little life. I am so grateful that God met us so quickly. He is so faithful. The Glory and Honor all belongs to Him.
Author Unnamed for the protection of Little Annie