Reveal Yourself to Me

Lord, I am pondering you.
I can’t see you, nor have I ever
But I am looking for evidence of You.
Reveal Yourself to me.
I can’t hear You with my ears,
but I can hear You with my heart.
I am listening for evidence of You.
Reveal Yourself to me.
I can’t feel You, but I have been touched by You move me on by your touch.
I will allow You to touch me as evidence of You Reveal Yourself to me.
I am reading your word to taste You
reclining at your table of intimate fellowship. Tasting for evidence of You,
Reveal Yourself to me.
I sit here regularly to visit with You, at peace and in rest I linger. Draw near to me, so near that I may smell your fragrance thick in the air.
I will breath deep to find evidence of You.
Reveal Yourself to me.