Winkies Winning Way

In the annals of baseball (my other ZIP code), everyone wants the W. But herein let me show you that kind of victory times three--Winkie’s Way of Winning.Still celebrating the 69th season of my salvation in Jesus Christ [March 14, 1954], I decided to reach way back to the ‘70s and share one of God’s most remarkable blessings--Winkie Pratney, New Zealand evangelist and prayer warrior . . . extraordinaire.He happened to my family at a Jesus Festival Camp near Muddy Run, Pennsylvania. (For some reason, folks in the northern United States call creeks runs.) Anyway, Ben’s and my dear friends Wayne and Barbara Hill had traveled with us for a wonderful week of worship, fellowship, and prayer--and a few radical surprises. One of them, Reverend Pratney. When I approached him one afternoon and requested intercession for our son, a Christian teen who’d strayed into near-prodigal places, the fiery, focused man calmly placed his hand on my head and shouted with a vengeance: “In Jesus’ Name, Lord, give her boy hell ‘til he returns to You!” Whew! Not quite a mother’s wording. But then it was Winkie’s wording. And guess what? God heard his petition because--well, “hell” did come, With a fury. But that raucous boy did come back home--and to the Lord. Another precious takeaway from our week at Muddy Run, one not at all unrelated to Brother Pratney’s initial petition was his tale of a young New Zealand runner whose race was ruined by an unpredictable, awkward trip over a loose shoestring. . Trip, humiliation, and a dejected last-place contender. “But,” the emphatic preacher’s powerful persuasion forced its way into my memory, “here’s what happened with that young sprinter who reticently stooped to re-tie his shoe lace. He called out a confession whose endless echo would transform any loser into a winner: ‘One thing right;one thing right; one thing right--I chose Jesus Christ!’” Glory. Glory to God! Brother Pratney has since returned to his New Zealand homeland, where he has fully recovered from a pasky stroke. So what if we GOOD NEWS believers should transpose just a little and pray something like this: “Lord, please give Brother Winkie a reward of joy right now, but give his enemies hell when You return!” Always more Glory to You, Jesus! We have chosen you and have already won this race. . . .